Friday, April 13, 2012

I love me some Olivia and a new unit!

Y'all I think my daughter's name may have to be Olivia. I love it regardless, but after reading Olivia again I realize how much I love that character. She is one sassy sister. 
Luckily this fabulous story is in our reader, and the skill is fantasy vs. reality with it. We made these littles again courtesy of Leslie Ann at Life in First Grade

And finally I have a new unit! I seriously don't know how some of y'all pump these things out. I seriously agonize over these things. But, I posted about this recently and have been trying to make this bad boy since then. So without further ado...

Yay! Click on the picture to see it! It has two brainstorming pages, a pre-write, a sloppy copy, a final copy, and a craftivity!

I also have exciting news....I am waiting until it is all official with some certification things to announce. Which makes me ask, anyone have tips on supplemental ESL certification? 

blog love :)

3 notes to the teacher:


This will be perfect for the rainy days we've been having! :)


Miss Kindergarten

My kitty's name is Olivia, and she is adorable! We had a horrible rainy day today, so this is perfect! Thanks :)



This is adorable! I have never heard of a "sloppy copy" but that makes so much sense!

Randi @ Teach It With Class
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