WOW, it is finally summer! If you are wondering where I have been it is because I have been running around like a crazy woman at the end of the year. We got word in August that our school had been moved up the list for renovation. We were all excited....and then we had to start packing. EVERYTHING. I mean, down to the last item. I have filled half a garage, and packed 20 boxes for the pods in our school parking lot. If you have been through a renovation, God bless you. I feel your pain!
Just some random snapshots...
We had field day and my goodness this was the most amazing field day I have ever seen. My kids had so much fun and so did I.....
Yep, that's me in the dunk tank. It actually was so much fun, but really cold! My kids had a blast dunking me.
This was the last day of school....see what I mean about packing everything?! This was how we finished our memory books.
It was such an amazing school year, and now next year I can't wait to be able to do it all again in kindergarten! I also plan on being here more often, now that I know what I am doing with those 5 year olds! If you want a lot more updates, have you checked Morgan and I's instagram? Come and follow us! We post all sorts of nonsense....teaching, fashion, makeup!
Our instagram name is: allthatglittersinteaching
Also, follow our blog!
Our instagram name is: allthatglittersinteaching
Also, follow our blog!

1 notes to the teacher:
Welcome back! Trust me I do understand the insanity of teaching, life, and lord knows everything else... and on top of that trying to fit blogging in the mix!!
Ms. Jones’ Junction
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