Thursday, December 23, 2010

Run, run as fast you can!

To close out the year we did an entire week of fun gingerbread activities. Babbling Abby had amazing ideas about gingerbread so I knew I had to use them.
We started out by reading all the different kinds of gingerbread man stories there were. We read "The Gingerbread Man" by Jan Brett, "The Cajun Gingerbread Boy" and "Gingerbread Man Superhero!". We enjoyed every single book! After we discussed how they were alike and different. This is what we came up with:

All around we noticed there was always that famous rhyme" "Run, run as fast as you can! You can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man!" 

Once we had some background we made our very own gingerbread boy and girl. We used all different materials to make them. After, we made our boys and girls we wrote a story about how they looked. We made sure to use juicy describing words!

They turned out very cute! :)

Of course to finish out the week, I made us some REAL gingerbread men to decorate and eat! We had such a fun time at our party making them. Here are some pictures:

As you can see it was very yummy!! 

-Ms. Thomas :)

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