Thursday, April 11, 2013

Don't hate me!

But really...please don't! I know I am the WORST blogger ever lately. I honestly have no idea what happened?! I am thinking it is becuase I am still (yes it is April) trying to get organized at my new school. With planning and just getting used to a kinder brain I have been a crazy lady!
It has been an exciting spring so far too! This guy moved to Dallas in March! Pretty happy. :) 
This would be our attempt at a family pic. Penny did not want to cooperate.

Classroom updates:
We had open house (may be a reason why this post is so overdue) it was awesome! Here are some pics of the things we made for it! We did some Dr. Seuss activities since we just completed an author study on him.

We started poetry this week! Y'all never thought I would teach poetry in kinder. BUT it is so great! If you are reading this and thinking....hmmm no way, get this book:
No worries too, there is one for first, second, third and fourth! Here are some poems my kiddos have already written this week!
This is my modeled poem.
"Rain fall down wear a coat jumping in puddles"
Obviously I loved this one. 

   So needless to say I have been doing things I just need to be taking pictures and writing posts! I promise, scouts honor!